Sunday, October 24, 2010

Too count or not to count...


I admit that I have at times become obsessive about calorie counting. I would keep record not only in food journals, but in my head. Throughout the day I would go over how many calories I'd eaten and how many left I could eat, over and over again. This frustration led to binging, overeating, and feeling bad about myself.

For me, binging was a way to free myself from the calorie counting and the anxiety that was around my weight to begin with. Because when I did binge, I didn't care at all about calories or the scale. It was a moment of freedom from the anxiety that was consuming me every moment of every day; anxiety that I did not even need to have to begin with.

I have expressed before how I am in the process of finding my happy weight. I am about 10-15 pounds over where I feel comfortable and feel my healthiest. These days, I still struggle with calorie counting, but I am by no means doing it to the extent to which I was before. Though, its hard for me to give it up especially since I found out that I have hypothyroidism. I'm worried that if I don't count calories, I will just end up gaining weight. In reality, I know that I am capable of eating the right amount of food for me and I know how to eat right. The problem is I just don't trust myself enough to actually do this, so I rely on counting calories to let me know that I am doing it right, rather than my own internal cues.

I guess I would like to know from all of you:
Do you calorie count when your trying to lose weight?
If not, how did you learn to trust yourself?


  1. Ohh calorie counting. It's a tricky thing for me! I used to calorie count and also became obsessive with restricting that lead me into anorexia for awhile.
    Sometimes, I make a "meal plan" for the next day now to make sure that I am eating enough. Today's was 1500 calories, but I allow "wiggle" room. I just want to make sure I'm getting a base amount of calories, then if I'm hungry, I eat more. I probably eat close to 2,000 a day with snacking and stuff.
    I guess what I'm getting at is you have to decide for yourself. If I was trying to lose weight, I would probably calorie count and fill up on lots of fruits and veggies! The instant I started getting obsessive, I would stop though!
    Hope this helps a little! Good luck with it :)

  2. I think it's better to learn to use your internal cues, even though it's sooo tough after training yourself to count calories! In the long run though, our bodies should tell us what we need ya know? :)

  3. Ugh calorie counting. I used to do it and still sometimes do but more often now I try to count how many servings of veggies, fruits, whole grains etc that I've had instead

  4. yeah i agree that intuitive eating is better. It is how we were designed. However I totally relate to your struggle and becoming obsessive. It's tough to find balance when you get stuck between binging and restricting. I know you can do it though!

  5. i think it is all about trusting yourself and your body enough. eventually you will tap into the cues that your body gives you to know how much and what you should be eating. stick with it! you will get there eventually and freedom from calorie counting will feel great!

  6. I have to admit, I'm a calorie counter. I don't think I've really learned to eat intuitively (when I try to do that, I usually just end up eating whatever I want, and that's no good.) Plus, I can't help it, but I usually know the calorie counts of everything I eat, so even if I don't really keep track on paper or something, I still KNOW. Plus, sometimes I want to use my bodybugg which counts all the calories I BURN, so it makes sense to count what I eat... I know it can get a little obsessive, but it really helps me keep track of things, and ensure that I'm getting enough protein, fiber, etc. I don't think it's a bad thing, but it can definitely go to extremes...

  7. When I will be working to lose the baby weight, I WILL count a controlled fashion. I won't count every day. I won't count obsessively every little thing down to the last calorie. I will keep a general idea in mind because calories DO count when trying to lose weight. I also will try to eat within a range instead of having a set number each day. And if I am TRULY hungry, I will "allow" myself to eat more even if its slightly over what I planned. It usually balances out with a lessened appetite another day.

    I also really focus on still eating enough. Eating too few calories can hurt weight loss efforts too. I have a TON of posts planned on all of this when it gets closer to that time for me.

  8. I'm actually a firm believe in counting calories. Yes, somtimes I get a little neurotic about it, but most of the time it serves as boundaries for not over eating or forgetting that a grande latter packs 200 cals. Stuff like that adds up. I don't really count cals on the weekends and every single weekend, without fail, I gain 1-3lbs. Ugh.

  9. I used to be calorie counting obsessed! It drove me nuts because, like you, I'd keep going over it in my head throughout the day. When I decided to get healthy and cut out processed crap (for the most part) and focus on eating whole, natural foods, counting calories kind of fell by the wayside. Every now and then I'll use the site to keep track of a day or two of calories, just out of curiosity :)

  10. I used to count calories ALL the time. I admit I still do sometimes when I'm trying to lose a few pounds because it actually does work for me. However, I learned that eating natural, fresh, and whole food is what is more important than the number of calories, and that's when I was able to let go of the obsessive calorie counting. I still do it, but I don't stress myself about it too much.

  11. Oh Lisa I used to calorie count all the time to the point of being obessive. Now I just eat what is unprocessed, healthy and balanced. I find now that I am enjoying my food way more as it doesn't control me anymore. :)

  12. I have calorie counted all my life. Of course it's not always a good thing, but it does really help me to stay focused on what I am eating and what I am putting in my body. I do it mostly to make sure that the calories that I am eating are good, whole foods. I dont want to have only 1000 calories a day but have it be all candy (although that might be a very delicious day ;) ) I try and make sure that it is balanced, and then when I find that it is, I can indulge in that bowl of ice cream at night ;)

  13. I do count calories but only during the week. It's, of course, futile since on the weekends I let myself go crazy. Have cheat days on the weekends seems okay for maintenance, but, at least for me, definitely not for weight loss.

  14. Oh boy, I do calorie count but say I have a really bad day today with pizza for lunch, candy, and like chicken pot pie or something hearty at night (which is NOT usual for me) I try to make up for it the next day and eat all healthy ya know. I try to keep it balanced through out a week spand rather then boggle myself day to day. xoxoxoxo!!

  15. I usually write down the foods I am eating if I am trying to lose weight to make sure I am not mindlessly munching, or eating portions that are to big. Every now and again I'll go back to counting calories to make sure I am guessing correctly, but don't let my mind or day be consumed with it.

  16. For a while I did count calories, then it kinda got worse to the point that I was actually counting food itself in relation to the time of day. For example, I would look and see that say it was 2pm and be proud that I only ate 2 things up until then...not good!

    Now I find that I don't count calories or the foods I'm eating, but try and focus on eating a balanced diet, which does include splurges! I do still punish myself if I over-indulge, which I'm still working on, because I need to accept that no one is perfect and really it is just about finding the healthy balance for you individually.

    I did find though when I stopped counting that I felt more in tune with food if that makes sense...I just enjoy it more now (minus the over-indulgences lol).

  17. It is good to be AWARE of calories, but you're right, obsessing is dangerous.
    Just keep trying to retrain yourself to be aware yet not obsess, rather let your internal cues take over. Trust yourself and trust your body. It will help get rid of any restricting/guilt behaviours that may still creep up if you count too strictly.
    You know what you should eat for your energy levels. You know when you have indulged a little (which is fine every now and then!). Trust yourself :)
    Heidi xo

  18. Girl, I gotta be honest. Calorie counting at our young age of 21 is just not needed.

    I lost 20 pounds without even KNOWING the calorie count of half the food I was eating, just by reading and eating what was healthy and natural for my body, exercises 4x a week, and listening to my hunger cues.

    Only when I calorie-counted did I begin being more hungry, more obsessive, less happy, and LESS HEALTHY.

    I lost way too much weight and would hate anyone to go down that path too.

    Honor your body and your hunger. You know what's healthy, so if you're hungry, go for it.
    When I started doing that too, I leveled off at a HEALTHY weight for my body, and can now enjoy a treat every now and then without feeling like the worlds going to end.
