Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Just call me Ms. Resourcefulness!

I am a VERY avid reader of fitness magazines. I love shape, self, fitness, womenshealth, and health magazine. But what comes with this obsession are stack loads of magazines. And, I admit, what you see in the picture above is only about half of what I have accumulated!
For the last few months, these magazines have been taking up ALOT of space in my room. I've read them over and over on the treadmill and during my free time. There's only so many times you can read them, until you start to memorize every article! During the summer, I came up with the great idea to be resourceful with these magazines and rip out the articles that I found very helpful (ones that had to do with beauty, fitness, and nutrition advice).
I also love to cook, so I decided to tear out all the yummy recipes that these articles put in EACH AND EVERY issue. What your left with is a HUGE book of your very own cookbook tailored to your TASTEBUDS.
While this is still an on going project for me, as the articles in the picture above are still magazines I have to go through, I have so far put together a recipe book which outlines healthy breakfast, snacks, lunches, and dinner recipes! It's a great way to not only create delicious healthy meals, but a way to be resourceful with the old magazines laying in your house that you spent your money on!


  1. awesome idea! hope you don't mind if i steal it :)

  2. What a great idea. I just shove recipes I tear out in a folder without any sort of organization.

  3. I love keeping magazines - hope you don't mind if I take your idea and put it to good use :)

  4. MAJOR props to you- I was doing SO good for a while with my magazines- like cutting/ ripping the articles I wanted out, but the pile has continued to creep up more &! I need to sit down one weekend & just conquer the pile :)

  5. I do this too, but I must admit your binders look MUCH nicer than mine!!

  6. I'm the same way! And, I"m constantly working on organizing them so that I can actually USE them for my own use or to share w/ my blog readers or on my FB or twitter! And, I think organiztion is an ongoing project for everyone!! :)
