Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Mmmm chocolate, for your FACE!

Every girl loves chocolate, including myself. What's SO GREAT about chocolate is that it has so many benefits for your health, especially your skin. Here is an excuse to rub chocolate ALL OVER YOUR FACE. The best part? ITS CALORIE-FREE (well, only if you don't consume it!)

You will need: recipe serves one face.
2 tbsp cocoa
1 tbsp honey
1 tbsp oats
1 egg white
1 tbsp water (optional: if its already pretty liquidy, skip!)

Mix all and rub onto face gently in a circular motion. Leave on for 10-15 minutes or until your sudden chocolate craving becomes UNBEARABLE. Gently clean off with warm water.

Why these ingredients?
The cocoa= fights free radicals and helps prevent aging
The honey= fights sun damage (its an antioxidant) and it moisturizes skin deep in its layers
The oats=is a natural exfoliant so it nourishes and soothes the skin
The egg whites= help support and boost collagen in the skin (what does this mean? It fights wrinkles baby!)


  1. mmmmm how long do you keep it on? So want to try this!

  2. Ohh that looks good! (It would probably make me crave chocolate, hehe)

  3. sounds delicious! bookmarking for a future date!

  4. Ahh I love DIY stuff like this!!

  5. AWESOME! I'm trying this tonight!! Hopefully I don't get too many urges to try and lick my own face. Actually, hopefully the chocolate mixture makes it ON my face.

  6. I think I would have a hard time not licking it off. Sitting there with chocolate smells right under my nose and all. ;)

  7. Oh. My. God. It's like you've got a window to my SOUL!! I cannot wait to try this!!

    And I think I love you ;)

  8. Wow this sounds fab!!!
