Thursday, November 11, 2010

BANG for your BUCK.

I find it so fascinating of how much healthy stuff you can eat for the same amount of calories of junk. I always think about this when I'm eating. For instance, I love sugary breakfast things. Pancakes, muffins, donuts. OMG. But the truth is I can have like 3/4 of a muffin, 1 donut, or like 2 pancakes for the same amount of calories as like a bowl of oatmeal, 6 oz. of Greek yogurt, and like 3 egg whites. Isn't that RIDICULOUS. This kind of thinking always comes into my mind when I am making my meal choices. Would I rather have that moment of satisfaction from something sweet or something that will keep me full for hours?

I admit a lot of times I would rather EAT THIS.


I admit, I struggle with eating what I want without that GUILT that leads to a BINGE, because I already feel like I might as well throw in the towel on my healthy eating that day. Sometimes its hard to accept that imperfections do not mean failures. When I want to "EAT THAT". I should just eat it.


Do you ever think about the "eat this, not that" concept?
How do you deal with the the guilt that comes along with treats and indulgences?


  1. I can really relate to this post. I used to be exactly the same. Since eating super healthy I find that I can't really eat sugary and processed foods so much as I simply can't eat them. On the off chance that I do have to eat a cookie I will just have one and be satisfied with that! :)

  2. i try really hard to just eat sweets until i am statisfied by them. eating them slowly helps me recognize this. i also have realized that i can sustain energy longer if i eat whole foods over baked stuff. and i remember how crappy i feel after a sugary, binge crash. all those factors keep me from over doing it.

  3. I just always say everything in moderation, so you can have your healthy breakfast and just a small nibble of a donut between breakfast and lunch!

  4. I agree with CaSaundra - everything in moderation. That way you stay happy and sane...:)

  5. I wish I never felt guilty over food ya know? We should just enjoy it! Sometimes you gotta go for the donut =P

  6. I agree; it can be hard to let that guilt go away. I want what I put in my body to be nourishing. But if you have a craving, you're body must be telling you something, you know? Sometimes you just gotta go for it!

  7. I just found your blog and girl you are gorgeous!! Love the header of your blog. White apartments are probably the greatest for taking pictures. I cannot wait to get out of the dorms. :) Definitely adding you to my reader!

  8. Gahh food was made to ENJOY! so true!!! It is so hard to tell what is GOOD for us and whats bad for us when we have cravings sometimes!

  9. I use to have that guilt. Horribly. And I still get it at times. But lately? Lately I've been letting my body guide me and it.feels.great.

    If you eat what you WANT instead of what you think you SHOULD want, then you'll end up being so much more satisfied!

  10. I love the feeling of being satisfied and I know junk food doesn't give me that. Like I don't feel satiated until I'm stuffed to the brim. So I say fill up physically on the healthy stuff and eat the unhealthy stuff in moderation. Preferably regularly so you don't feel deprived. Junk food is good for your soul! ;)

  11. I agree with the first comment. I never starve myself but eat healthy. I don't avoid carbs, I eat whole grains and in moderation. After a while, I don't want sweets because they give me a stomach ache, so here and there, I eat them but in a very small amount and I am content with that.I never feel cheated. What I find happens, is that i watch others (friends, coworkers) eating junk, and I kind of feel grossed out. Sounds bad I know but when I see someone eating badly a lot, I know how bad it is and it bothers me and I wish they could be healthier!With the that said, I have had times in my life where I eat poorly and I completely do what you do...feel bad and binge. So getting through the hump and staying healthy to get rid of the sugar cravings is the first step, and the rest is history!!!!

  12. I've definitely been down that guilt train, but now I've learned how to healthify treats so I don't have the guilt, but i get the great taste!
