Monday, October 11, 2010

Wish I could be a little bit more like this girl...

All I have to say is, ISNT THAT HILARIOUS. She is my newfound inspiration for the week. Thats right, every morning, I am going to recite a little tune in my own mirror about everything that is great in my life and ladies...

I expect you to DO THE SAME. Go, GET TO IT!! =)


  1. I have seen this video!!!! Too cute!
    Have a great day girly! xoxo

  2. Awww what a cutie pie! Kids are so wonderful.. (if only life would be that prefect!). But kids also teach us to take things less seriously and just be fine with yourself. I guess we (aka grown ups) sometimes forget that..

  3. Ahaha.. that's adorable! Definitely just made my morning.. I think I'll try doing it myself. ;)

  4. Ahhhh THIS MADE MY DAY! "I can do anything good" hahahaha I love it! New goal: be more like this little girl.

  5. Bahahaha!!! LOVE IT!!! That was too funnnnnnyy!!

  6. HAHAHAAHAH love it, Lisa! Thank you so much for posting this. She rocks :)
    Heidi xo

  7. Hahahahahaha this just made my DAY!
